Kamen Teacher: The Movie
Watch ‘Kamen Teacher: The Movie’ Online. Set in the near future of Japan with the educational system nearing collapse. To rehabilitate the lawlessness at public schools and its troubled students, the government sends Kamen Teacher to designated schools.
- Genre: Action
- Country: Japan
- Director: Kentaro Moriya
- Cast: Taisuke Fujigaya, Aya Omasa, Fuma Kikuchi, Lewis Jesse, Yuta Kishi, Taiga Kyomoto, Goki Maeda, Shuntaro Yanagi, Haruka, Maika Yamamoto, Shiori, Naomasa Musaka, Kotaro Shiga, Mikie Hara, Ryu Nakatani, Ryoichi Tsukada, Nozomu Kotaki, Daisuke Sakuma, Ryohei Abe, Ryota Miyadate, Masayasu Kitayama,